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要旨●6歳未満の超早期発症型炎症性腸疾患(VEO-IBD)は,単一遺伝子異常が原因の疾患で臨床表現型の一つにIBDを発症している,monogenic IBDであることが少なくない.今回,①IL-10受容体遺伝子の新規変異が乳児早期発症IBDを引き起こし,既存の治療に抵抗性で造血幹細胞移植により寛解導入した症例,②眼皮膚白皮症の乳児でCrohn病と初期診断し,遺伝子解析でHermansky-Pudlak症候群1型と確定診断し,インフリキシマブが奏効した症例,以上2例のVEO-IBDを経験したので報告する.VEO-IBDをみた際は,monogenic IBDを鑑別する必要がある.
Several studies have reported on monogenic IBD(inflammatory bowel disease)in patients aged <6 years. Here, we present two cases of monogenic IBD:(1)a patient with interleukin-10 receptor deficiency who developed IBD during infancy and achieved remission with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and(2)another patient with Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome type 1 who developed IBD during infancy and achieved remission with infliximab therapy. Physicians should consider monogenic IBD while treating pediatric patients with IBD aged <6 years.

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