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要旨 小腸潰瘍の鑑別診断についてX線診断を中心に言及した.内視鏡の通過,挿入が困難な管腔狭小化例では,X線造影検査が全体像の把握に有用である.狭窄部の形態を片側性(偏側性)と両側性に大別しさらに後者を輪状狭窄と管状狭窄に分類すること,加えて,周囲粘膜の所見を加味することが鑑別診断に有用と考えた.一方,小潰瘍のみから成る症例においてはX線造影ではその描出に限界があり,存在診断と質的診断の両面でカプセル小腸内視鏡(capsule endoscopy ; CE)とダブルバルーン小腸内視鏡(double balloon endoscopy ; DBE)が有用である.このように,小腸潰瘍の診断には想定される病変の性状と検査特性を考慮することが重要で,CE・DBEにX線造影検査を相補的に選択あるいは組み合わせて施行することにより鑑別診断能が向上する可能性がある.
Endoscopic modalities, such as capsule endoscopy and balloon endoscopy, have been developed and widely used for the diagnosis and treatment of small bowel diseases. In particular, endoscopic findings and/or biopsy have proven to be more useful than conventional radiography for the diagnosis of small lesions of the small intestine. Cases of intestinal stenosis caused by NSAID-induced enteropathy, intestinal tuberculosis, ischemic enteritis, and radiation enteritis are characterized by circular or tubular narrowing, whereas eccentric stenosis occurs in Crohn's disease. With precise analysis of small bowel radiographs, an accurate diagnosis can be made in cases of stenosis. Complementary combination of enteroscopy and conventional radiography can be valuable for the differential diagnosis of intestinal stenosis, although enteroscopy remains the procedure of choice for the diagnosis of ulcerative lesions of the small intestine.

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