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要旨 炎症性腸疾患を除く高齢者小腸疾患の特徴について述べた.当科におけるカプセル内視鏡およびダブルバルーン小腸内視鏡検査の検討では,高齢者と非高齢者で所見陽性率に差はなかった.ダブルバルーン内視鏡検査による診断では,高齢者では非高齢者と比較し腫瘍性病変と血管性病変が多く,炎症性疾患が少なかった.炎症性疾患(炎症性腸疾患を除く)では,NSAIDs起因性小腸病変,腸結核などの頻度が高かった.合併症を有する高齢者では,虚血性小腸炎や日和見感染によるcytomegalovirus感染症が認められた.診断が困難な症例としては,arteriovenous malformationや血管炎に起因すると思われる原因不明の小腸潰瘍などがあった.高齢者の小腸疾患は,非高齢者と背景や疾患種別が異なっており,その臨床的および内視鏡的特徴を知ることが診断確定のために重要と考えられた.
In this manuscript, we described about small bowel diseases in the elderly patients(65≦age). Until now, we experienced 220 cases of CE(capsule endoscopy)and 474 cases of DBE(double balloon endoscopy)for small bowel disease at our department. In CE and DBE findings, positive finding rate was not significant difference between the elderly patients and the younger patients(65>age). The elderly patients were more likely to have small bowel tumor and vessel disease than the younger patients. We demonstrated the endoscopic findings of various small bowel lesions in the elderly patients, such as NSAID(nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug)induced small bowel injury, intestinal tuberculosis, small bowel lesion of cytomegaloviral infection, ischemic enteritis, arterio-venous malformation of small bowel and unclassified enteritis. Gastroenterologists have to know their endoscopic characteristics in order to diagnose correctly.
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