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要旨 UC関連大腸癌(UC-associated cancer ; UCAC),dysplasia自験例の臨床像と拡大観察を含めた内視鏡所見を解析した.UCACのUC平均罹患年数は14.3年,全大腸炎型および左側大腸炎型が97.7%を占め,病変全体の76.1%が直腸・S状結腸に分布していた.早期癌形態に分類した病変のうち隆起型が76.4%,平坦型・陥凹型が23.6%で,平坦型の全病変が発赤として認識されていた.pit patternの解析ではIVV型が78.1%と最も多く,早期癌形態に分類した隆起型の88.2%に認めた.平坦型病変ではIIIL型が66.7%,IVV型が58.3%,IVB型が25.0%にみられた.IVB型は全病変がVI型を伴っていた.UC関連腫瘍のpit patternは隆起型を中心にIVV型が多いが,平坦型ではIVV型主体とIIIL型・IVB型主体の病変に分けられた.今回の検討で通常観察では直腸・S状結腸において絨毛状構造,発赤に注意する必要性と,拡大観察ではIV型pit亜分類の有用性,平坦型病変における範囲診断の可能性が示唆された.
An increased risk of ulcerative colitis-associated cancer(UCAC)has been reported in patients with long-standing ulcerative colitis and cancer surveillance is recommended. It is essential for the early detection of UCAC to understand the characteristics of the endoscopic findings of those lesions. We analyzed endoscopic features of 55 lesions of early type UCAC and dysplasia. 42 lesions(76.4%)were protruded type, 13 lesions(23.6%)were superficial type, such as flat and/or depressed type. On magnifying endoscopy, all lesions showed tumorous pit patterns of Kudo' criteria. We showed type IVV is the main pit pattern among the neoplastic lesions associated with UC, especially among protruded lesions. On the other hand, type IIIL/IIIB pit patterns are dominant among flat lesions. However, further studies are necessary for establishing the role of magnifying endoscopy in the early diagnosis of UCAC and dysplasia.

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