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Neoplastic Endocrine Cells in Carcinoma of the Small Intestine Mitsuya Iwafuchi 1 , Hidenobu Watanabe 1 , Noriko Ishihara 1 , Munetomo Enjoji 2 , Akinori Iwashita 3 1The First Department of Pathology, Niigata University, School of Medicine 2The Second Department of Pathology, Fuculty of Mrdicine, Kyushu University 3Department of Pathology, Matsuyama Red-Cross Hospital pp.773-780
Published Date 1985/7/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403109907
  • Abstract
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 Twenty-four primary carcinomas of the small intestine were examined by Grimelius' argyrophil stain, Fontana-Mason's argentaffin stain, and immunoperoxidase stains with antisera against 11 kinds of amine and peptides. Inaddition, the distribution and frequency of 11 kinds of endocrine cells in non-neoplastic mucosa of the small intestine were investigated.

 In the non-neoplastic mucosa, the argyrophil-positive endocrine cells were found more frequently in the upper small intestine than in the lower. The majority (40-82%) of them were immunoreactive serotonin cells.

 Neoplastic argyrophil-positive cells and argentaffin cells were found in 75.0% and 41.7% of tumors examined, respectively. The frequency and the densiry of the neoplastic endocrine cells were far higher in the ileal tumors than in the jejunal and duodenal ones. These cells tended to occur in parts of well differentiated adenocarcinomas.

 Immunohistochemically, immunoreactive neoplastic endocrine cells were recognized in 62.5% of tumors, all of which were argyrophil-positive. Immunoreactive serotonin cells were seen most frequently and most densely. In the duodenal tumors and in the jejunal ones, five and nine kinds of peptide-positive cells were detected, in addition to the serotonin cells, However, peptide-positive cells were generally fine in number.

 In the ileal tumors, in general neoplastic endocrine cells positive for serotonin and seven kinds of peptides occurred frequently and densely  Four of 24 tumors contained only one kind of immunoreactive cells. Four other tumors contained two kinds of positive cells and seven tumors produced more than five kinds of immunoreactive amine and peptides. Most tumors with many kinds of immunoreactive cells were found in the ileum. The kinds and proportion of immunoreactive endocrine cells in tumors were generally similar to those in the non-neoplastic mucosa of each site where tumors occurred.

 In conclusion, the frequency and the density of neoplastic endocrine cells in carcinomas of the small intestine were generally high. However, a regional difference in the frequency and the variety of positive cells was also discerned.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


