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要旨 2003年7月~2010年12月の間に内視鏡的に完全切除された10mm以上の鋸歯状病変220病変を,WHOの病理診断基準に基づきTSA,HP,SSA/Pに分類する見直し診断を行った.LHP(large hyperplastic polyp)に相当する病変は195病変であり,そのうちHPが77病変(39.5%),SSA/Pは118病変(60.5%)であり,現時点ではLHPはSSA/Pと同一病変ではないと言わざるをえない結果であったが,右半結腸のLHPに限ってはSSA/Pと同義とした臨床的取り扱いでよいものと考える.これら鋸歯状病変の内視鏡的特徴は,TSAは松毬様隆起(pine cone appearance)とIVH型pit,SSA/PはHPに比べ,右半結腸に好発することや開大II型pitとIIIH型pit(fernlike pit)を伴う隆起成分の目立つ病変であることと考えられた.
A total of 224 lesions endoscopically completely resected during the period between July, 2003 and December, 2010 were subjected to differential re-diagnosis according to the WHO criteria to determine how they were consistent with the criteria for TSA(traditional serrated adenomas), HP(hyperplastic polyps), and SSA/P(sessile serrated adenomas/polyps). Of these, a total of 195 were found to be consistent with the WHO criteria for LHP(large hyperplastic polyps). Additionally, of these LHP, a total of 77(39.4%)and 118(60.5%)were found to be consistent with the WHO criteria for HP and SSA/P, respectively. It was thus concluded that LHP and SSA/P constituted distinct pathological entities. Of these serrated lesions, endoscopically, TSA appeared to be characterized by their pinecone appearance as well as by IVH-type pit patterns, while SSA/P appeared to occur more frequently in the right-sided colon than HP and were largely accounted for by protruded components associated with IIIH-type(fernlike)pit patterns.

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