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要旨 鋸歯状病変について最新のWHO分類では,SSA/P(sessile serrated adenoma/polyp)がHP(hyperplastic polyp)やTSA(traditional serrated adenoma)とともに挙げられているが,その癌化における意義や癌化の危険性についてはいまだ未解決の問題が多い.また,SSA/Pの診断は病理医間でも一致せず,診断基準も明確なものがないため,その癌化のポテンシャルについて解析を行ううえで,診断基準の確立が課題であった.今回,大腸癌研究会のプロジェクト研究「大腸鋸歯状病変の癌化のポテンシャル」において,SSA/Pの診断基準が提案された.SSA/Pの組織像を構築するための本質的変化は上皮の鋸歯状化と陰窩のcompartmentalizationの異常であり,それによりこれまで報告されてきた種々の組織学的特徴を示すことが判明した.よって,その本質的変化に基づいた最も重要である組織所見は,(1)陰窩の拡張,(2)陰窩の不規則分岐,(3)陰窩底部の水平方向への変形(逆T字・L字型陰窩の出現)であり,これらのうち2個以上を有するものをSSA/Pとすることが妥当であると考えられた.この診断基準をもとに鋸歯状病変を分類し,臨床病理学的特徴と癌化率を解析し,SSA/Pの取り扱い基準を確立することが今後の課題である.
Colorectal serrated lesions are basically classified into HP(hyperplastic polyp),TSA(traditional serrated adenoma), and SSA/P(sessile serrated adenoma/polyp)in the latest WHO classification, but there are many problems which are yet unsolved concerning the significance of the carcinogenetic pathway including the risk of cancerization. Because there has been variation amongst observers in the diagnosis of SSA/P and because the diagnostic criteria of SSA/P have not yet been established, the establishment of diagnostic criteria is essential for analyzing the potential of the cancerization.
In project research “potential of cancerization of colorectal serrated lesion” of the Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum, the diagnostic criteria of SSA/P have been newly established recently. The essential histological alteration of SSA/P has been clarified as an aberration of crypt compartmentalization, which has prompted various kinds of reported histological features. Therefore, the most important findings based on this alteration are considered to be as follows : 1)crypt dilation, 2)irregularly branching crypts, 3)horizontally arranged basal area crypts at the basal(inverted T-and/or L-shaped crypts). If the serrated lesion have more than 2 of these findings, it can be diagnosed as SSA/P.
From now on, we will classify the serrated lesion based on these criteria, analyze clinicopathological characteristics and risk of cancerization of SSA/P, and establish its clinical management.
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