

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Support Needs for Social Reintegration of Persons with Mild COVID-19 Symptoms Admitted to Recovery Accommodation Facilities: Survey Results of Post-discharge Junko Miyamoto 1 , Hiroki Takada 2 , Sayaka Fujita 3 , Yuko Ushio 4 , Mariko Mizukawa 5 Keyword: COVID-19 , 軽症者等宿泊療養施設 , 退所後 , COVID-19 , Recovery accommodation facilities , Post-discharge pp.31-41
Published Date 2024/12/31
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.134502040260020031
  • Abstract
  • Reference

【Aim】 This study investigated support needs for the social reintegration of persons with mild COVID-19 symptoms after discharge from recovery accommodation facilities.

【Methods】 A post-discharge survey was administered to participants who had participated in the admissions survey and who had been in recovery accommodation facilities between January 26, 2021,and February 28, 2021.

【Results】 In all, 18 respondents completed the post-discharge survey. All symptomatic respondents reported olfactory and taste disorders in the post-discharge survey. After discharge from the recovery accommodation facility, approximately 50% of the participants expressed “feeling really sorry for causing trouble” and“ worrying about infecting others again.” The challenges cited during and following discharge included being infectious, the after-effects of the disease together with its possible further progression, anxiety about returning to social life, and slander.

【Discussion and Conclusion】 Following discharge from the recovery accommodation facility, participants experienced anxiety about the after-effects of the disease, slander, and difficulty in being accepted on return to work. In addition, there was a clear need for information on employment and job placement, counseling, opportunities for infected individuals to share their experiences, and education and knowledge concerning how people should be treated after discharge.

Copyright © 2024, Japan Society of Disaster Nursing All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1345-0204 日本災害看護学会


