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・掌蹠に生じた色素性母斑のダーモスコピーでみられるfibrillar patternは通常良性を示唆する所見であるが,ときに悪性黒色腫でもみられることがある.
・fibrillar patternを示す色素性病変に対してoblique-view dermoscopyを行うことでparallel furrow patternであることを確認できた症例を供覧する.
・oblique-view dermoscopy(OVD)は外来で可能な簡便な検査であり,通常の皮膚科外来診療で広く行われるべき手技である.今回は実際にoblique-view dermoscopyを撮影している写真を交え,その実践方法を解説した.
Practice and usefulness of oblique-view dermoscopy for pigmented lesions
Ishiguro, Akihiro1)Takama, Hiroyuki1)Ohshima, Yuichiro1)Watanabe, Daisuke1) 1)Department of Dermatology, Aichi Medical University
By dermoscopical diagnosis of planter pigmented lesion, fibrillar pattern is usually observed as a benign finding, but sometimes it is also detected in malignant tumors. By using the oblique-view dermoscopy, parallel furrow pattern can be obtained from the plantar pigmented nevus, which showed fibrillar pattern on observation by ordinary dermoscopy. In this paper, we show cases of pigmented nevus, in which the oblique-view dermoscopy was useful. We also explain the mechanism of fibrillar pattern and practical method of the oblique-view dermoscopy.

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