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・9歳女児のMicrosporum canis(M. canis)によるケルスス禿瘡を経験した.
・KOH直接鏡検は陰性であったが,真菌培養や真菌遺伝子解析結果からM. canisを同定した.
A child case of Kerion Celsi Due to Microsporum canis probably infected in Indonesia
Mori, Hitomi1)Gommori, Takashi1)Hayashi, Shujiro1)Hamasaki, Youichiro 1)Igawa, Ken1)
1)Department of Dermatology, Dokkyo Medical University, School of Medicine
A nine-year-old girl, lived in Indonesia, was introduced to our out patient clinic for her alopecia resistant to topical steroid. Physical examination suggested her alopesia as the result of micro organisms infection and, finally, we diagnosed the lesion as Kerion Celsi by Microsporum canis by the findings of fungal culture and gene analysis. Three-month oral Itraconazole was effective, without any side effect and any recurrences.
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