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ビタミンD(VD)不足は骨粗鬆症の重要なリスク因子である。骨密度低下や骨折予防に必要なVD摂取量を知るには,VDの体内栄養指標である25-hydroxyvitamin D(25-D)の適正な血中濃度を知り,その維持に必要な摂取量を知る必要がある。米国・カナダでは15, 20μg/日をVDの「推奨量」としたが,2015年版日本人の食事摂取基準では「目安量」を5.5μg/日と算定した。策定値は異なるが,いずれの摂取基準も血中25-D濃度を50 nmol/L以上に維持することを目指す点で共通する。本稿ではVD栄養と骨密度低下や骨折予防の関係と日本人のVD栄養の現状,食事摂取基準,栄養改善方法について概説する。
Vitamin D insufficiency is one of the risk factors of osteoporosis. To know the vitamin D intake for the prevention of bone loss and fracture, it is necessary to evaluate the appropriate serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D(25-D)concentration for bone health, and the vitamin D intake to maintain its concentration. Although vitamin D intake 15 and 20μg/d have been set as RDA(Recommended Dietary Allowance)in USA/Canada DRIs(Dietary reference intakes), 5.5μg/d has been set as AI(adequate intake)in Japanese DRIs(2015). While reference values in Japan and USA/Canada were quite different, both DRIs are common in that it aim to maintain the serum 25-D concentration to more than 50 nmol/L. In the present review, vitamin D intakes and bone health, vitamin D status in Japanese people, DRIs for vitamin D and improvement of vitamin D insufficiency are reviewed.