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エピナスチン塩酸塩点眼液のスギ花粉アレルギー性結膜炎モデルに対する効果およびスギ花粉に及ぼす影響を検討した。 エピナスチン塩酸塩点眼液はスギ花粉アレルギー性結膜炎モデルの結膜炎症状および眼掻破回数を有意に抑制した。オロパタジン塩酸塩点眼液は結膜炎症状を有意に抑制し,眼掻破回数を抑制する傾向を示した。スギ花粉破裂率および抗原溶出量は,点眼液処置後に経時的に増加したが,エピナスチン塩酸塩点眼液の影響はオロパタジン塩酸塩点眼液に比べていずれも小さかった。 以上より,エピナスチン塩酸塩点眼液はスギ花粉アレルギー性結膜炎症状を抑制し,その優れた効果には,抗原溶出に及ぼす影響が一部関与する可能性が示唆された。
We investigated the efficacy of epinastine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution in Japanese cedar pollen-induced allergic conjunctivitis model and the effects on the Japanese cedar pollen grains rupture. Epinastine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution significantly reduced the conjunctivitis intensity score and the number of scratching in the Japanese cedar pollen-induced allergic conjunctivitis model. Olopatadine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution significantly reduced the conjunctivitis intensity score and tended to decrease the number of scratching in the model. The Japanese cedar pollen grains rupture and the release of the major allergens from the pollen were increased by drug treatment in a time-dependent manner, and these effects of epinastine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution were lower than those of olopatadine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution. Our findings indicated that epinastine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution inhibited Japanese cedar pollen-induced allergic conjunctivitis sign and symptom. The major allergens release from the pollen might be involved in the efficacies of epinastine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution in the model.