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ポイントオブケア超音波(point of care ultrasound:POCUS)はケアプロバイダー自身が診療現場において,診断や処置を要するとき,使いやすい機器を用い,単純化した手法で行う,超音波による診療の技法である。
POCUSの概念は1990年代に出現し,外傷患者の超音波診断(focused assessment with sonography in trauma:FAST)として具体化した1)。それ以来,診断のPOCUSは多くの診療科に取り入れられていった。一方同じ時期,中心静脈カテーテル挿入などの侵襲的処置を超音波ガイド下で行えば合併症を減らせることが証明され2),さまざまな侵襲手技の安全な実施を目指して,処置のPOCUSも広がっていった。
麻酔科領域においては,超音波機器を使った診療が長年行われてきたといえる。経食道心エコー検査(transesophageal echocardiography:TEE),超音波ガイド下中心静脈カテーテル挿入,超音波ガイド下神経ブロック,さらに困難な動脈・末梢静脈確保の道具として頼られている。では処置に対し,診断のPOCUSはどうであろうか。このセクションでは,周術期における診断のPOCUSに焦点を当て,その基本コンセプトを紹介するとともに,有用性が具体的に示されつつある点,またその課題や展望につき述べる。
Point of care ultrasound(POCUS)is an ultrasound examination executed by the direct care-provider at the point of care, typically using compact equipment. In contrast to the comprehensive and detailed examinations by lab technicians, POCUS examinations should be simplified and goal-directed. Among the various applications of POCUS for perioperative care, airway and gastric ultrasound stand out in their significance with regard to anesthesia safety. Airway ultrasound can be particularly useful for tracheal intubation when capnography is unreliable, such as during resuscitation. Focused cardiac ultrasound is probably the most frequently applied ultrasound method in perioperative assessments, and it is also useful for observing cardiac contractility and movement, pericardial effusion, ventricular enlargement, etc. Lung ultrasound combined with cardiac ultrasound could be useful for pinpointing the cause of hypoxemia, via the bedside lung ultrasound in emergency(BLUE)protocol. Compared to chest X-rays, lung ultrasound has demonstrated higher sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing pneumothorax. Leg vascular ultrasound is both sensitive and specific for identifying deep vein thrombosis, and its routine application has the potential to avert life-threatening complications. Abdominal ultrasound can identify and quantify abdominal fluid accumulation. POCUS training involves didactic lectures and hands-on practice on human models. To promote the broader adoption of POCUS, endorsement by medical societies through the allocation of continuing education credits is recommended.

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