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2011年にNew England Journal of Medicineで発表された総説では,ポイントオブケア超音波(point of care ultrasound:POCUS)は,“臨床医がベッドサイドで関心領域を絞って行う超音波” と定義され,超音波検査技師によって行われる超音波と対比される1)。日本では以前から臨床医が超音波を診療で利用する機会は多かったが,POCUSのコンセプトは世界的にも関心が高まっている。また,POCUSにより初期診断の50%を確定診断に導き,23%で初期診断の変更を補助したという報告もあり2),診断の分野でも大きくPOCUSが寄与することが示されている。
日本でも,救急領域のPOCUSでは外傷診療で行われるfocused assessment with sonography for trauma(FAST)やrapid ultrasound in shock(RUSH)examなどがあり,エコーを用いて病態を評価することが頻繁に行われており,内科病棟診療,集中治療室(intensive care unit:ICU)領域においても,医師がその場でエコーを用いて迅速に評価するPOCUSは急速に普及してきている。
In a review published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2011, point of care ultrasound(POCUS)is defined as “ultrasound performed by a clinician at the patient’s bedside in a focused area” and is compared to ultrasound performed by a radiologist or cardiologist. It is also reported that POCUS facilitated confirmation of the suspected clinical diagnosis in up to 50% of cases and supported a change in the initial diagnosis in 23% of cases, and thus POCUS also plays an important role in diagnosis. A variety of critically ill patients are managed in an ICU, including critically ill patients with septic shock or hyperglycemic crisis(internal medicine), postoperative patients in surgery and cardiovascular surgery, and patients with trauma and burns. POCUS is used in a variety of situations for treating critically ill patients, including volume assessment, fever workup, cardiac function assessment, and shock management. This article focuses on patients at the postoperative stage, explains the routine use of POCUS for these patients, and provides a description of POCUS used for abdomen, lung, and lower-extremity vascular ultrasound based on a case study.

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