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歌舞伎症候群は1981年にNiikawaら 1)とKurokiら 2)により報告された奇形症候群であり,瞼裂横径の開大,下眼瞼外側1/3の外反により歌舞伎役者の隈取りを彷彿とさせる特徴的顔貌となることが名の由来となっている。本症候群では特異顔貌のほかに軽度の精神発達遅滞や骨格系の異常など種々の症状を伴うことが多い。約4割程度の患者に唇顎裂,口蓋裂が合併することが知られており 3),形成外科領域で本症候群を診察する機会がある。
Kabuki syndrome is rare and is characterized by a peculiar facial appearance including long palpebral fissures and everted lower lateral eyelids. This syndrome is often associated with multiple congenital anomalies that consist of craniofacial anomalies such as cleft palate and congenital ptosis. We report the case details of a 6-year-old boy with Kabuki syndrome who underwent a lateral canthoplasty for the correction of his peculiar facial appearance. We first performed a surgical repositioning of the lateral canthal tendons and a surgical correction of the palpebral fissure length. However, the patientʼs facial appearance did not improve, due to the remaining eyelashes on the lateral aspect of the lateral canthus. We thus performed a lateral canthoplasty including a resection of the remaining eyelashes, and we obtained a satisfactory result. We also discuss the surgical treatment for Kabuki syndrome and surgical techniques for the correction of the peculiar facial features of individuals with this syndrome, together with a review of the relevant literature.

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