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下眼瞼の加齢性変化に対しては,これまでさまざまな手術法が開発されてきた。しかし,手術はしたくない,できるだけ人にわからないようにきれいになりたい,若返りたいといった希望をもつ患者が多いのも事実である。したがって近年では,手術よりもむしろ脂肪やヒアルロン酸および多血小板血漿(platelet rich plasma:以下,PRP)などの各種注入療法に,美容医療の流れが向きつつある。将来は注入技術の進歩に伴って,下眼瞼にメスを入れる手術の方が逆にマイナーな治療法となる可能性も考えられる。
われわれは,10年前より下眼瞼や鼻頬瞼溝および鼻唇溝などの加齢性変化に対して,PRP+basic Fibroblast Growth Factor(bFGF)(以下,PRPF)の注入治療に取り組んできた。この間,本法を施術した患者数は1,000例以上を数える。
Age-related changes in the lower eyelids are a common complaint of patients seeking aesthetic plastic surgery. The current methods used to treat such changes, including partial resection of orbital fat and fat injection or fat transfer, are often considered too invasive for many patients. Platelet-rich plasma supplemented with basic fibroblast growth factor (PRP+bFGF) is a promising minimally invasive treatment for aging-related changes in the eyelids.
We have used this procedure for over one thousand patients, and we observed that: (i) it was effective in all patients, (ii) patient satisfaction was high, and (iii) long-lasting effects were confirmed. The side effects included mild swelling and evidence of internal bleeding at the site during the week following the injection, which healed easily in all patients.
PRP+bFGF therapy thus appears to be safe and effective as a promising, minimally invasive treatment for aging-related changes in the lower eyelids.

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