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乳児線維性過誤腫は乳幼児の皮下組織内に発生する良性腫瘍で,索状の膠原線維から成る結合織,未熟な間葉系細胞巣,成熟脂肪織から成る特徴的な組織像を呈する疾患である 1)。われわれの渉猟し得た範囲では,本邦ではこれまで60例が報告されており,比較的まれな疾患であると考えた。今回は,鎖骨部のリンパ節腫大を疑って切除生検を行い,病理検査で本症と診断された1例を経験した。リンパ節腫大を疑う鎖骨部周辺および腋窩,鼠径部,または四肢の近位部分に生じる皮下の結節性病変として,乳幼児の場合は本疾患も鑑別に挙げられるため,本疾患の特徴と鑑別診断について若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する。
Fibrous hamartoma of infancy is a benign tumor arising in the subcutaneous tissue of infants and young children, and its characteristic histological appearance is cord-like collagen fibers. We identified 60 cases of fibrous hamartoma of infancy reported in Japan, and it thus is considered a comparatively rare disease. We report a patient’s case in which we did an excisional biopsy based on suspicion of lymphadenopathy in the clavicular region. We diagnosed the disease by pathological examination. In infants, this disease can be differentiated as subcutaneous nodular lesions that occur around the clavicle area, armpit, groin, or proximal part of an extremity with suspected lymphadenopathy. We describe the characteristics and differential diagnoses of this disease, together with a brief discussion of the literature.

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