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Erdheim-Chester病(ECD)は組織球症のまれな一型で,全身諸臓器に組織球が浸潤・増殖し様々な症状を呈する1)。患者は様々な診療科を受診し,疾患の希少さもあって診断までに数年を要することも多い2)。骨病変は特徴的で同疾患を強く疑うことができるため,画像診断医が見逃さず指摘することが重要である1)2)。近年BRAF V600Eをはじめとして多数の遺伝子変異が同定されるようになり,本疾患の分類・診断・治療戦略は大きく変化してきている3)4)。今回我々は,最近の知見に関する文献的考察を加えて自験例について報告する。
We present a case of Erdheim-Chester disease(ECD). The patient was a 70-year-old female with plantar pain. CTA of the lower extremity was performed for lower extremity arterial disease scrutiny and incidentally showed a characteristic bone lesion in the ECD. Further study revealed a large central nervous system lesion which caused left homonymous hemianopsia. ECD is a rare form of histiocytosis, in which histiocytes infiltrate and proliferate in various organs throughout the body. The development of molecularly targeted drugs has extended the prognosis of patients with histiocytosis, including those with poor prognosis, and the search for gene mutations including BRAF V600E is becoming increasingly important.

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