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今回我々は,病理組織診で血管内小葉状毛細血管腫(intravascular lobular capillary hemangioma:ILCH)と診断された1例を経験した。ILCHに関する画像所見についての報告は少なく,若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する。
We report a case of intravascular lobular capillary hemangioma(ILCH). The patient is a woman in her 40s, she had been aware of a tender lump on her palm for several weeks. Ultrasonography showed a mass with blood flow signal in the vein. MRI scan showed low signal on T1WI, high signal on T2WI, and a strong contrast effect on contrast scan. An intravenous neoplastic lesion was suspected, and a diagnosis of ILCH was made by surgical excision. ILCH is an intravascular lesion of lobular capillary hemangioma, which is classified as a benign vascular tumor according to the ISSVA classification. Although LCH is a relatively well-known disease, there are not many reports on ILCH. Surgical resection is the basic treatment of choice, with good outcome. ILCH is a relatively rare disease, and we report a case with a review of the literature.

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