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膵仮性嚢胞門脈瘻(pancreatic pseudocyst-portal vein fistula)は慢性膵炎に伴うまれな合併症で,高アミラーゼ血症,関節炎,痛みを伴う皮膚病変,播種性脂肪壊死,門脈周囲炎などを引き起こすため,早期診断と治療が予後改善に寄与する病態である。これまでの報告例をふまえ考察を加えて報告する。
Pancreatic pseudocyst-portal vein fistula is a rare condition. The case is a 70s female with chronic pancreatitis. Etiology was unknown. A pancreatic pseudocyst formed during repeated exacerbations and remissions perforated the portal vein, resulting in portal hypertension. The pancreatic pseudocyst and portal vein showed consistent density or signal intensity in every modalities, and they seemed to be connected and consist a slightly turbid liquid. ERCP didn’t show contrast agents inflow into the portal vein, but plain CT afterward showed that indirectly.

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