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新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)が世界中で大流行している。その画像診断においては肺炎だけが着目されがちであるが,一方でCOVID-19肺炎の合併症とも称されるCOVID-19肺外病変は,時に患者の予後悪化の原因となり,また時には後遺症として患者のQOL(quality of life)を大きく左右する。本稿では全身のACE2遺伝子発現率という観点から,COVID-19の肺外病変について画像診断を主体に述べる。
COVID-19 spread all over the world becoming a pandemic illness. Although the lungs are primarily affected, SARS-CoV-2 can affect various organs. This article focuses on extrapulmonary involvement of COVID-19 with special emphasis on ACE2 expression. SARS-CoV-2 employ mechanisms for receptor recognition. The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 binds to ACE2(angiotensin-converting enzyme 2)receptor located on the target human cell surface, which facilitates entry of the virus into various target cells/target tissues. Recent reports have revealed that not only respiratory tracts, but also cardiovascular system, alimentary tracts, hepatobiliary system, pancreas, kidneys and central nervous system are also affected in COVID-19. In these extrapulmonary involvements of COVID-19, not only direct viral infection, but also cytokine storm and coagulopathy can play important roles. Understanding of these extrapulmonary involvements is essential in the proper management of COVID-19 patients, and all radiologists should be familiar with knowledge and imaging diagnosis of these extrapulmonary involvements.

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