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IVR(interventional radiology)は,心筋梗塞,狭心症などの循環器疾患の増加,デバイスの開発などにより広く普及してきた1-5)。それに伴い手技の複雑化・多様化により,診断に用いる心臓カテーテル検査(CAG:coronary angiography)に比べX線透視時間が長くなる傾向にあり,術者の被ばく線量の増加が懸念されている6)7)。
In interventional radiology, it is necessary to know the scattered radiation at the physician’s position. Conventionally, survey meters have been used that can measure of 1cm dose equivalent[Hp(10)]. This time, We had the opportunity to use a survey meter(OD-01)that can measure of 70μm[Hp(0.07)], which can evaluate the equivalent dose(ED)of the crystalline lens. In this study, we report the basic performance evaluation of OD-01.
As a result, it was found that the OD-01 had good basic performance in terms of tube voltage dependence and angle. We consider OD-01 is useful for evaluation of ED.

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