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肝reactive lymphoid hyperplasia(RLH)は画像診断で確定診断に至らず,外科的に切除されて初めて診断される例がしばしばみられる。今回我々は各種画像検査を施行するも悪性腫瘍の可能性が否定できず切除された肝RLHを経験したので,文献的考察を加えて報告する。
An abnormal liver lesion was found in a 40-year-old woman who presented at our institution for a medical checkup. Computed tomography of the lesion showed hypodensity on equilibrium phase images and perinodular enhancement on arterial phase images. On MRI, diffusion-weighted images showed a hyperintense nodular lesion with hyperintensity along nearby vessels. We suspected a malignant tumor such as hepatocellular carcinoma;however, histopathology showed that the legion was reactive lymphoid hyperplasia. Hyperintensity along vessels may be a characteristic finding of reactive lymphoid hyperplasia of the liver.

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