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早期肺癌や転移性肺腫瘍に対して肺縮小手術(SLR)を行う症例が増えてきた1).しかし,腫瘍からの切離マージンを確保した解剖学的SLRが確立されたとはいえない.われわれはこれまでにインドシアニングリーン(ICG)の経気管支注入による近赤外線(NIR)胸腔鏡下肺区域切除という新たな手術法を開発・報告した2).われわれは2014年以降,3D画像解析システムVincent(富士フイルム社,東京)を用いて,SLRのシミュレーションを行い,至適マージン2 cmを確保した切除範囲を設定した.問題は,このシミュレーションどおりのSLRをどのように行うかである.そこで,10倍希釈ICGを切除肺関連気管支に注入し,蛍光内視鏡によるSLRを実施し,その有用性について評価した.
Background:The confirmation of an appropriate resection margin from the tumor is crucial for reducing the risk of local recurrence after sublobar resection for pulmonary malignancies.
Patients and Methods:From October 2014 to April 2018, 66 operative cases in 64 patients (primary lung cancer 42, metastatic lung tumor 21, benign disease 3) were enrolled. In lung cancer, active limited resection was done in 29 and passive limited resection was done in 13. Preoperatively, each patient created several virtual sublobar resections by using 3-dimensional (3D) volume analyzer. We measured the surgical margin in each simulated sublobar resection and selected the most appropriate procedure. Surgical resection matched with virtual sublobar resection was done by using an infrared thoracoscopy with transbronchial indocyanine green (ICG) instillation. In lung cancer, we compared surgical outcomes between ICG cases and 47 historical segmentectomy cases.
Results:The types of sublobar resection were subsegmental resection in 5, simple segmentectomy in 15, complex segmentectomy in 16 and extended segmentectomy in 22 and anatomical super deep wedge resection in 8. The shortest distance of surgical margin by simulation and an actual measurement were 20.8±11.1 mm and 22.6±8.3 mm, respectively (p=0.186). Postoperative recurrence was found in 8 cases (distant in 7 and mediastinal lymph node in 1). No locoregional recurrence was found in all cases. Postoperative recurrence was similar between the 2 groups in active and passive limited resection, respectively.
Conclusion:ICG-guided sublobar resection by transbronchial ICG instillation is applicable to any type of sublobar resection and can control local recurrence of lung neoplasms.

© Nankodo Co., Ltd., 2019