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肺(亜)区域切除において区域間を同定する手法として,従来の含気虚脱法に加えて,近年ではインドシアニングリーン(ICG)蛍光法が臨床応用されている.肺を含気させ術野を崩すことなく,虚脱肺のまま区域間を描出できることは,特に近年普及する完全鏡視下手術において大きな利点となる.あらかじめ区域肺動脈が結紮された肺区域の血流欠損を蛍光描出するICG静注法に加えて,気管支鏡下に区域気管支にICGを散布して切除対象肺区域を蛍光描出する気管支内注入法も一部臨床応用されている.また2019年5月現在の最新式手術支援ロボットda Vinci Xi(Intuitive Surgical社,Sunnyvale)にもICG蛍光観察機能が搭載されるなど,今後ICG蛍光法の呼吸器外科への臨床応用は加速すると考えられる.本稿ではICG静注法と気管支内注入法の双方の利点と欠点について考察し,またロボット手術におけるICG蛍光法の実際も紹介する.
Early stage lung cancers which localized in the middle layer or the center of the lung become indications for anatomical segmentectomy. As a method of intraoperative identifying the intra-segmental plane, 2 different techniques utilizing indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence has been clinically applied. The one is a method of systemically intravenous administration of ICG after ligating the objective segmental pulmonary artery. The other is a method of insufflate the diluted ICG into the objective segmental bronchus under the bronchoscope. The segmental alveoli were visualized with a ICG fluorescence thoracoscope. Both methods visualize inter-segmental plane. Both advantages and disadvantages were discussed. These methods may help the repertoire of atypical segmentectomy getting wider. Also, ICG fluorescence imaging is incorporated into a robotic surgery. ICG fluorescence imaging is expected to be applied to various applications of thoracic surgery.

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