

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Changes in Perception and Level of Acquirement of Nursing Art: Through Instruction about to Assist Motion Yumiko Miyoshi 1 , Hiroko Otsu 2 , Kayoko Nakai 3 , Fumiyo Ishigaki 4 1Fujita Health University School of Health Sciences 2Gifu University, School of Medicine 3Aichi Prefectural Government Department of Health and Public Welfare Medical Affairs and National Health Insurance division 4Aichi Prefectural School of General Nursing Keyword: 看護技術教育 , 体位変換 , 授業方法 , Nursing Art Education , Changing Position , Instruction Methods pp.17-26
Published Date 2001/12/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.7009200168
  • Abstract
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 The purpose of this study is to clarify the change in perception about nursing art and the level of skill acquirement to assist motion achieved through instruction in the skills to assist motion. The period of the study was during November and December, 1997. The subjects of the study were 96 undergraduate students in the third year of schools of nursing(3-year course)in Aichi prefecture. Instruction was given by using the teaching plan we made. The students perception, such things as satisfaction and the self-confidence in the nursing art was examined by questionnaire before and after the prescribed instruction. The level of skill acquirement was also examined by observation and questionnaire after the instruction. As a result, the following were found. ① Students satisfaction, self-confidence and positive attitude in practicing nursing art were enhanced after the instruction. ② The average acquirement rate of skills to assist motion was 65.9%. ③ The skill acquirement rate for the technically difficult items was under 40%. For example, the upper part of a client's body should be inclined at the time of a position change from a supine position to long sitting, or the knees of a client should be drawn up like a letter V to change position from long sitting to a sitting position at the side of a bed. ④ There was tendency to practice taking account of the theoretical bases such as the models, the points and the dynamic theory when practicing. ⑤ This research suggests the necessity of repeated practice of technique, with the motivation of positive perceptions such as satisfaction and the self-confidence in nursing technique, to increase the skill acquirement rate.

Copyright © 2001, Japan Society of Nursing and Health Care All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1345-2606 日本看護医療学会


