

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Current Status and Effectiveness of Early Home Visit Guidance for Infants Hiroko Tsukamoto 1 , Kiyomi Kitamura 1 , Sadayo Ishida 2 , Yoshiko Mochizuki 3 1Department of Nursing, University of Shizuoka 2Shizuoka Junior College, University of Shizuoka 3Junior College of Nursing and Medical Technology, Tokai University Keyword: 新生児訪問指導 , 早期訪問 , 訪問時期 , home visit guidance for infants , early home visit , time of home visit pp.11-16
Published Date 2001/12/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.7009200167
  • Abstract
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 The purposes of this study are to investigate the current status and effectiveness of home visit guidance for infants.

 Methods; The study was conducted from June 2000 until December 2000. The sample consisted of 257 women who were one week to nine weeks postpartum. Data were collected by structured questionnaires. Participants were asked about their satisfaction with home visits, ideal visitation times and attitude changes related to child-rearing.

 Results; The response rate was 73.4%. The main results are as follows;

 1. Home visits were conducted on one week to nine weeks postpartum. About 20% of home visits were made within two weeks postpartum and about 60% were made within four weeks postpartum.

 2. There was no significant difference women's satisfaction with home visits according to time of visit.

 3. About 70% of women were anxious regarding infant care in 1-2 weeks after discharge.

 4. The more satisfied that a mother was with the home visit, and the earlier that a visit made the more significant was the positive attitude change toward child-rearing after visit.

 Home visits can not be conducted at an appropriate time for all postpartum women and infants. The findings of this study suggest that home visits should be made at an early stage in the postpartum period. Mothers who have retuned to their homes need support from midwives and community health nurses with professional skills related to child-rearing. Further research is needed about subjects and timing of home visit guidance after discharge.

Copyright © 2001, Japan Society of Nursing and Health Care All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1345-2606 日本看護医療学会


