

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Development of a Workplace Management Index Designed to Retain Human Resources in Community-based Welfare Facilities for Older Adults Akemi Ogata 1 , Kanako Ogiso 2 , Nakako Fujiwara 3 1Department of Nursing College of Life and Health Science, Chubu University 2Gifu University Nursing Course School of Medicine 3University of Human Environments School of Nursing, Graduate School of Nursing Keyword: 地域密着型特別養護老人ホーム , 人材定着 , 指標 , 開発 , Community-based welfare facilities for older adults , retention , index , development pp.819-828
Published Date 2022/12/31
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 Objective: This study developed a workplace management index intended to help retain human resources in community-based welfare facilities for older adults.

 Methods: The validity and reliability of the index was examined using a questionnaire survey administered to 1,315 nurses and care staff working at 263 community-based welfare facilities for older adults in the Tokai region.

 Results: Exploratory factor analysis of 204 participants (response rate = 15.9%; valid response rate = 98.1%) revealed that the index had a five-factor, 38-item structure. The five factors were “effective use of resources between the community and facility,” “efforts to leverage the strengths of community-based welfare facilities for older adults,” “leadership of the facility director,” “communicating information about the appeal of the facility,” and “interaction between community members and the facility.” Analysis of the index's reliability and validity yielded Cronbach's α coefficients of .836 to .948, a model fit of χ2 = 1278.2 (p < .001), GFI = .749, AGFI = .716, CFI = .861, and RMSEA = .068.

 Conclusion: Although the model's fit index for construct validity was somewhat low, its internal consistency and reliability were confirmed.

Copyright © 2022, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-8888 印刷版ISSN 0287-5330 日本看護科学学会


