

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A Protocol Analysis of Cognitive Aspects in the Production of Nursing Record in Search of a Metacognitive Teaching Method Chiiko Inoshita 1 1International Center, Keio University Keyword: 看護記録の教育 , 発話分析 , メタ認知 , 伝達認識 , nursing records , teaching method , protocol analysis , metacognition , communicative approach pp.80-91
Published Date 2000/11/30
  • Abstract
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 This study proposes a teaching method for writing a nursing record based on findings in cognitive psychology. In the discussion ; (1) we clarified how the concept of cognition could be conceptualized in a nursing record, (2) we attempted to identify factors that might influence a nursing record and thus locate problems that might occur in the cognitive process of writing a nursing record, (3) we investigated how to teach writing a nursing record.

 In the first research, 18 nursing students and 12 nurses were selected as subjects and grouped into focus groups for interview. The obtained data were analyzed. The results of the analysis revealed the following three influential factors in the cognitive process of writing a nursing record ; (1) communicating and sharing information with its reader, (2) what may be called “matacognitive activities”, (3) external problems caused by the writing format.

 In the second research, 4 nursing students were selected and interviewed individually. The obtained data were analyzed qualitatively. We found from the data that there are three types of problems in recording during their clinical practicum ; (1) problems caused in the process of understanding what the record actually means, (2) problems caused in the internal dialectical process, (3) problems caused in the recognition or comprehension of the record on the part of the reader.

 As a conclusion, it is necessary to promote “metacognition” through reflection and monitoring. To effectively communicate through a nursing record, it is important to recognize how the reader of a nursing record may comprehend the record before the writer composes it.

Copyright © 2000, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-8888 印刷版ISSN 0287-5330 日本看護科学学会


