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要旨:回復期脳卒中後上肢麻痺を呈した5例の対象者に対して,時期をずらした2回のCI療法を実施したので,結果を報告する.上肢機能評価はFugl-Meyer Assessment(以下,FMA),Motor Activity Log(以下,MAL)を1回目と2回目の実施前後に実施した.1回目ではFMA,MALともに有意差を認めたのに対し,2回目ではMAL-AOUのみ有意差を認めた.1回目はShaping課題中心,2回目は重要な家事や職業動作,趣味活動などを取り入れた.ADLが改善し,退院後の生活を意識した時期にCI療法を実施することは,麻痺手の使用と具体的な作業活動獲得に影響する可能性がある.
We report the results of two staggered sessions of CI therapy in five patients with upper limb paralysis after recovery from stroke. The Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) and Motor Activity Log (MAL) were conducted before and after the first and second sessions. The first session focused on shaping tasks, and the second session incorporated important household and occupational activities and hobbies, etc. Incorporating CI therapy into an occupational therapy program at a time when ADLs have improved and post-discharge life is in mind may affect the use of the paralyzed hand and acquisition of specific work activities.

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