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要旨:本研究は,在宅酸素療法(home oxygen therapy:HOT)患者におけるADLの評価をどのような視点で行っていけば良いものかを,独自に作成した評価表を用いて検討したものである.HOT患者を対象とした呼吸困難感を含めた独自のADL評価表(ADL-36)は,設問項目の検討をはじめ対象患者数の増加,検者間信頼性,再評価信頼性の検討,各患者の経時変化の把握,およびより正確・迅速な評価方法への改善など多くの課題があるものの,6MDやPaO2とよく相関し有用性が示唆された.
The aim of this study is to investigate the validity and usefulness of a new ADL format, ADL-36, for patients with chronic respiratory failure while on home oxygen therapy, which we originally developed with the emphasis on subjective dyspnea. Conventional ADL formats, including the Barthel index, are not adequate to assess exclusively these patients.
The ADL-36 is more likely to be useful because it is significantly correlated with 6MD and Sa02. The format includes subjective dyspnea and fitness or endurance, in association with Sp02. Furthermore, ADL-36 can be applied to these patients with fewer subjective complaints.

Copyright © 2002, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.