

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Effects of the position of the therapist with regard to psychological and physiological changes in occupational therapy Miho Mizuno 1 , Chihiro Miwa 2 , Kunifumi Suzuki 2 , Fumio Mukai 2 1Tokai Memorial Hospital 2Department of Occupational Therapy,Nagoya University School of Health Sciences Keyword: 治療構造 , 血圧 , (アンケート) , 作業量 , Therapeutic structure , Blood pressure , Questionnaire , Task value pp.125-133
Published Date 2002/4/15
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 The purpose of this study is to clarify the effects on the patient in relation to the therapist's positioning (one aspect of the therapeutic structure) and then to compare the concentration and physiological change along with the effects on the task when the therapist changes positions.

 We used the Kraepelin test for the task and compared the questionnaires that ask about concentration, blood pressure, and heart rate. Then we evaluated the answers and errors with regard to therapist positioning.

 In the quesionnaires, we observed that concentration results tended to be different, from one to the other, with regard to the therapist's positioning, but the answers and errors observed no change with regard to blood pressure and heart rate. As for the occupational therapy, it may be more effective for the therapist to position him/herself beside the patient in the task that requires concentration, while positioning him/herself in front of the patient in the task that requires training.

Copyright © 2002, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0289-4920 日本作業療法士協会


