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要旨:北欧で広く普及しているSunnaas Index of ADL(以下,SIA)を翻訳して,通所リハビリテーション(以下,通所リハ)利用者のADL評価におけるSIAの妥当性の検討を行った.方法は,通所リハ利用者65名を対象にSIAとBarthel Index(以下,BI)を用いたADL評価を行い,それぞれの総合得点の関係をSpearman順位相関係数により検討した.また,SIAの総合得点と要介護度との関係についても検討した.その結果,SIAとBIの間に有意な相関関係が認められ,SIAと要介護度との間には有意な負の相関関係が認められた.以上より,通所リハ利用者のADL評価においてSIAは十分に妥当性のある評価表であることが示唆された.
The Sunnaas Index of ADL is widely used in Northern Europe, and we therefore investigated the validity of the Sunnaas Index (SIA) in assessing the ADL of users of day care centers that provide rehabilitation services. Subjects included 65 users of day care centers that provided rehabilitation services, and these subjects' ADL was assessed using the SIA and Barthel Index (BI). The relationship between total SIA and BI scores was investigated using Spearman's rank correlation coefficients. In addition, the relationship between the SIA score and the level of required care was ascertained. The results showed a significant correlation between SIA and BI (rs = 0.476, p<0.001) and a significant negative correlation between SIA and the level of required care (rs=0.639, p<0.001). These findings indicated the SIA to be a valid scale for assessing the ADL of users of day care centers providing rehabilitation services.

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