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要旨:日本の作業療法において重要な意味を持つフランス・イギリスの精神科作業療法の現在を紹介し,2ヵ国との対比を通して,日本の作業療法の現状の課題を考察した.フランスでは治療の継続性を主目的とした地域医療セクター制を,イギリスでは国営医療サービス事業を中心に地域医療が展開され,作業療法士が施設や形態にとらわれず柔軟に活動していた.両国の作業療法では,臨床活動・研究・教育いずれの領域においても,臨床的視点に重点が置かれ,経験をevidence based medicineのために蓄積しようとする意識が非常に高い.作業療法の実践の場に軸足を置いた研究や臨床の姿勢は,日本の精神科作業療法にとって,改めて参照すべき重要な点である.
In this article, we present an overview of current French and British occupational therapy (OT) in the area of psychiatry. The aim is also to compare occupational therapy in both countries with occupational therapy in Japan. To do so, I discuss present OT issues in Japan. In France, regional medical treatment is promoted by the sectoral system, which aims to continue said treatment. Similarly in Britain, the National Health Service promotes regional medical treatment. In both countries, occupational therapists attach importance to not only clinical practice, but also to research and education. Moreover, therapists emphasize developing evidence-based medicine in practical occupational therapy. It is noteworthy for Japanese occupational therapists that occupational therapists in both countries place importance on practical perspectives of occupational therapy.

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