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対人関係発達指導法—RDI(Relationship Developmental Intervention)は,他者と感情や経験を共有することに難しさのある自閉スペクトラム症の方に対し「対人的なかかわりへの意欲や成長への欲求を引き出す」ことに焦点を置き,代替や補償ではなく根本的改善をはかり,長期的な生活の質の向上を目標としたアプローチである.RDIでは子どものスキル獲得ではなく,ガイド関係,すなわち親子関係の再構築に力が注がれ,養育者が子どもの自己認識や自律的な思考を伸ばすために常に挑戦を与えていくことを支援していく.本稿ではRDIのアセスメント法,具体的支援の方策を含めたRDIプログラムの概要,研究論文,筆者のRDIの介入研究の中間報告を行った.RDIは,子ども自身で成長を切り開いていくという点で非常に興味深く,今後も研究などを通じて普及に努めていきたい.
Relationship Developmental Intervention (RDI) is a program for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who have difficulty in sharing experiences with others. This approach focuses on improving long-term quality of life and addresses the core deficits of ASD rather than substituting and compensating for the deficits. RDI emphasizes restructuring the parent-child relationship, which is called the Guided Participation Relationship, rather than teaching new communication and thinking skills to the children. It supports caregivers who are constantly challenged to develop children's self-awareness and autonomous thinking. In this article, we present an overview of the RDI program, including the Relationship Developmental Assessment and support methodology, findings from previous research, and an interim report of the author's RDI intervention study. RDI is of great interest in that it opens up self-growth for children, and the concept of RDI should be widely promoted.

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