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保存治療抵抗性のMarfan症候群合併気胸に対し,Foley catheterを応用した方法を用い,愛護的胸腔鏡下手術を施行しえた1例を経験したので報告する.患者は18歳,男性.主訴は胸部異常陰影.2004(平成16)年7月Marfan症候群合併気胸の診断により,18Fr Foley catheterを従来の胸腔鏡下手術に応用した方法を用いて手術を施行した.①胸腔内の観察,②気漏の観察,③切除線の補強,④肺拡張時の確認において,本方法は非常に有用であった.手術前後のWBC,CRPの変化は非常に軽微であった.
A 18-year-old male (with Martan syndrome) was admitted to our hospital with a diagnosis of right pneumothorax. Air leakage continued inspite of the drainage of right chest cavity. Therefore, we perfomed video assisted thoracotomy using Foley catheter. The bullae were resected without grasping the normal lung. Post-operative course was uneventful. The thoracic tube was removed the day after the operation. Application of Foley catheter to spontaneous pneumothorax with Marfan syndrome is a valid method, both economically and in the light of operative stress.

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