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心臓外科における20世紀最後の10年間のテーマは,重症心不全の外科治療と低侵襲心臓外科手術であり,その中で心臓外科内視鏡下手術に取り組んできたのがHeartport社とIntuitive Surgical社である.Heartport社のPort-Accessシステムは“closed chest”で行う完全内視鏡下心臓手術を目標にしている.Intuitive Surgical社はコンピュータ制御ロボット遠隔手術装置(da Vinci telemanipulation system)を開発し臨床治験が始まった.21世紀にはほとんどの心臓外科手術が完全内視鏡下手術で行われる日がくることも夢ではない.
The major trends for clinical research in the last decade of the 20th century have been surgery for the end-stage cardiac failure and Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS). Two venture companies have been involved in the development of surgical technology for complete endoscopic cardiac surgery. HeartPort Inc. developed the Port-Access MICS system aiming to perform complete “closed-chest” endoscopic cardiac surgery. Intuitive Surgical Inc. developed a robotic cardiac surgical system (da Vinci telemanipulation system) and just started clinical trials.

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