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[Background] Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy with duodenojejunal bypass (LSG-DJB) is a bariatric procedure which is shown to be effective for weight loss and glycemic control in morbidly obese patients. The procedure is the combination of sleeve gastrectomy and proximal intestinal bypass, thus technically challenging since two totally laparoscopic intracorporeal anastomoses are required. [Aims] To validate whether LSG-DJB can be performed safely in a secondary health care center (SHCC) without an on-site ICU. [Methods] Consecutive 251 patients undergoing LSG-DJB at a single SHCC without an on-site ICU from April 2007 to December 2017 were included in the study. An independent evaluator retrospectively reviewed the medical records and extracted the early (within 30 days) and the late (more than 30 days up to 2 years) severe complications. [Results] After LSG-DJB, all patients were extubated in the operating theater, stayed at the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) for a short period and were transferred to the general ward. No patient required re-intubation. Early complications occurred in 13 patients (5.2%) including 9 postoperative hemorrhages, 3 leakages and 1 wound infection. Late complications occurred in 8 patients (3.2%) including 4 sleeve strictures associated with intractable GERD, 2 bowel obstructions, 1 internal hernia and 1 hemorrhagic marginal ulcer. No patient required inter-hospital transfer to a tertiary health care center (THCC) for unplanned ICU care and there was no mortality. [Conclusion] With proper patient selection, experienced health care team and an appropriate system with smooth connection to affiliated THCC, LSG-DJB can be performed safely in a SHCC without an on-site ICU.

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