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◆要旨:【目的】神奈川県下の施設における高齢者胃癌患者に対する腹腔鏡下胃切除術の現状を明らかにした.【方法】第47回神奈川消化器外科研究会で実施したアンケート調査をもとに高齢者胃癌患者の腹腔鏡下胃切除術の治療方針,治療成績の現状を解析した.【結果】高齢者の手術決定には併存疾患の重症度(91.7%),performance status(87.5%)が重視され,周術期管理には口腔ケア(62.5%),リハビリテーション(58.3%)が多く行われていた.高齢者群と非高齢者群を比較すると上部胃癌に対する胃全摘術施行率(%)が低く(71.4 vs. 80.8, p=0.0466),Clavien-Dindo分類Grade 3以上の合併症発生率(%)(9.6 vs. 6.5,p=0.035)および術後在院死亡率(%)(2.2 vs. 0.2,p=0.000)が有意に多く,自宅退院割合(%)が低かった(89.0 vs. 98.1,p=0.001).【結論】各施設で様々な工夫がされているものの高齢者胃癌患者に対する腹腔鏡下胃切除の合併症発生率・術後在院死亡率は高く,手術適応,術式選択,周術期管理などをさらに改善する必要がある.
【Aim】 The aim of this study is to evaluate the results and strategy of laparoscopic gastrectomy for elderly patients with gastric cancer in Kanagawa prefecture hospitals. 【Methods】 We evaluated the questionnaire survey which was performed at the 47th Kanagawa gastroenterological seminar. 【Results】 Determination of surgery for elderly patients with gastric cancer was made based on severity of comorbidities (91.7%) and performance status (87.5%). Oral care (62.5%) and rehabilitation (58.3%) were mainly performed in perioperative management. Laparoscopic total gastrectomy was performed less frequently for upper gastric cancer in elderly patients compared with non-elderly patients (71.4% vs. 80.9%, p=0.0466). Grade 3 or more postoperative morbidities per Clavien-Dindo classification (9.6% vs. 6.5%,p=0.035)and postoperative mortality(2.2% vs. 0.2%,p=0.000)occurred more frequently and returned home less frequently in elderly patients compared with non-elderly patients (89.0% vs. 98.1%,p=0.001). 【Conclusion】 Although several interventions were performed in perioperative management, operative risk of laparoscopic gastrectomy for elderly patients with gastric cancer is still high and further studies are required.

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