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◆要旨:Indocyanine green蛍光法を用いた手術ナビゲーションにより切除病変を確定しえた小腸微小腫瘍の1例を経験したため報告する.患者は45歳,女性.下部直腸神経内分泌腫瘍に対して内視鏡的切除術を受けた後,8mm大の小腸結節性病変に関して,同時性神経内分泌腫瘍が疑われ切除予定となった.術前血管造影下CT検査により病変を含めた腸管の栄養血管を同定した.術中,栄養血管からのindocyanine green注入と蛍光内視鏡による観察で,発色が遷延する結節性病変が確認されたため,同部位を被疑病変と確定し切除した.切除標本の病理学的診断は異所性膵組織であった.Indocyanine green蛍光内視鏡による観察は,微小な病変に対する手術ナビゲーションとして有用であると考えられた.
In this report, we demonstrate that we successfully detected and resected a minute tumor of the small intestine with indocyanine green(ICG) fluorescent imaging techniques. A 45-year-old woman who previously had a neuroendocrine tumor(NET) of the lower rectum resected by endoscopic submucosal resection, was planned to resect a minute tumor of the small intestine suspected to be multiple primary NETs. CT angiography revealed the feeding artery. Intraoperative ICG fluorescent imaging made detection of the tumor possible due to the long-lasting fluorescence. We suspected it to be the tumor and resected it. It was diagnosed by pathological examination as an ectopic pancreatic tissue. We think that intraoperative ICG fluorescent imaging techniques is useful to identify a minute digestive tumor.
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