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早期直腸癌症例に対し,われわれが考案,開発したrectal expanderを用いてテレビモニター下に腫瘍切除を行った.Saddle blockにても良好な視野を確保でき,手術時間は115分,出血に対しては縫合することにより止血できた.切除標本の病理診断は高分化腺癌で,深達度はsm1,脈管侵襲は明らかでなかった.切除は固有筋層上部までなされていた.早期直腸癌に対してrectal expanderは,テレビモニターを用いることによって十分な視野を提供し,saddle block下にても安全に腫瘍切除が行うことができ有用と考えられた.
Transanal endoscopic microsurgery using rectal expander was performed for an early rectal cancer under saddle block anesthesia. A rectal expander which we developed expanded the rectum after insertion into the rectum and showed adequate vision for microsurger-y with TV monitor. Hemostasis was controlled by continuous sutures. Operative time was 115 minutes. The resected tumor demonstrated submucosal cancer invasion without vascular permeation. Resection was completed to the muscularis propria.

Copyright © 1996, JAPAN SOCIETY FOR ENDOSCOPIC SURGERY All rights reserved.