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耳鼻咽喉科領域において頬部腫脹をきたす疾患は良性と悪性とを問わず数多いが,そのなかでfibrous dysplasiaは稀な疾患である。今回の報告は頬部腫脹を主訴に受診し,手術のうえ病理組織学的検査によりfibrous dysplasiaと判明した症例に関するものである。
ここにその症例の報告に併せて,本疾患における普通X線撮影およびCT scan所見と病理組織学的所見との関連,電子顕微鏡所見につき若干の文献的考察を行った。
A monostotic type of fibrous dysplasia involving the maxilla in a 13-year-old male was reported. Histopathologic study revealed the characteristicpredominance of osseous tissue and this was in accordance to the conventional x-ray findings. By adjusting window levels and breadth, homogeneous image of the lesion seemingly turned out to be an image of mottled densities due to the uneven distribution of osseous and fibrous proportions. Both light microscopic and electron microscopic findings were investigated and some light was thrown upon the aetiology and pathogenesis of the lesion. The involved portion of the maxilla was partially resected to create the smooth external surface equal to the uninvolved side.
Postoperative CT image confirmed the surgical effect.

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