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fibrous dysplasia(線維性骨異形成)は骨髄の線維性結合組織による置換を主病因とし長管骨をはじめ全身の骨を侵す慢性内因性骨疾患である7,10).脳神経外科領域では顔面骨や頭蓋底の発生例は散見されるが後頭部は稀である1,2).今回われわれは後頭部腫瘤で発生した,後頭部monostotic fibrous dysplasiaの1例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する.
A case of monostotic fibrous dysplasia of the occipital bone in a 18-year-old female is described. She was admit-ted to our hospital with a hard, painless mass (5 X 5cm) in the occipital region.
Neurological examination and laboratory data re-vealed no abnormalities. Skull x-rays showed a radio-lucent lesion with a sclerotic margin in the occipital bone. CT scan revealed an intradiploic multilocular mass sepa-rated by bone trabeculae. RI bone scan showed an abnor-mal uptake in this lesion.
T1 and T2 MR image showed an abnormal low-intensity lesion in the occipital region. Operation was performed to verify the nature of the le-sion, which was histologically confirmed to be an inac-tive fibrous dysplasia.
Postoperative course was uneventful. Although its occurrence in the occipital bone is uncommon, fibrous dysplasia should be considered in the differential diagno-sis of skull tumors.

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