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頭蓋骨に発生するfibrous dysplasiaは,顔面骨と頭蓋底に多く,全身多発性のいわゆるpolyostotic fibrousdysplasiaの場合には,しばしばその部分所見として頭蓋冠にもみられる1,10,14,16,17)一方,単発性のmonostoticfibrous dysplasiaが頭蓋冠に発生することは稀であり3,6),検索し得た範囲では,本邦にはその報告がみられない.最近,私どもは,頭部外傷を契機に偶然発見された頭頂部monostotic fibrous clysplasiaの1例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する.
In this paper a case of monostotic fibrous dysplasia in the left parietal hone is described.
This 51-year-old female was admitted to our hospital for a head injury on January 12, 1983, and a flat, painless hump (7 x 7cm) was incidentally found in theleft parietal region. Plain x-ray film of the skull showed a multicystic lesion with slightly sclerotic margin in the left parietal bone, and outward bulging of the outer table without destruction of the inner table in tangential view. CT scan at the level of bone window clearly demonstrated the same abnormality and intradiploic mass separated by some bony septums.

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