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ウイルス感染によってもたらされる種々の細胞学的変化の一つとして,異常染色体の出現率が上昇することは,古くから知られている1〜4)。一方,染色体を構成する一対の染色分体(sister chromatid)の間で組みかえが起こることが,1975年,Taylorらによって発見されて以来,今日この現象は姉妹染色分体交換(sister chromatid exchange:SCE)として広く認められるようになった。
The frequency of sister chromatid exchange(SCE) in peripheral lymphocytes derived from patients with viral diseases was examined in order to know the cytological effects induced by viral infections. The mean frequency of SCE from 283 metaphases in the normal healthy subjects was 5.8±2.6 and those of such viral disease, as mumps, Hunt's syndrome, infectious mononucleosis and probably viral stomatitis which were diagnosed by clinical findings, indicated 9.7±5.1, 9.7±5.0, 9.4± 4.3 and 5.5±2.6 respectively. These results suggested that viruses induce SCE, and the further studies will be required to clarify the mechanisms in which viruses may induce SCE.

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