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中耳根本手術がKuster,von Bergmann,Zaufal,Stackeらにより発達しほぼ80年を経過した。その間この術式は広く行なわれてきたが,術後乳突腔の永久的な乾燥,治癒が得られない点が常に問題となつており,乳突腔を作ることが新たな"life-long disability"をつくるという考えもある1)。患者も医師も術後は早期に永久的な治癒を望むわけで,乳突腔の問題はこの術式の評価を左右する大きな因子である。
最近の中耳手術は外耳道後壁を保存する,いわゆるclosed methodが盛んであり,中耳根本手術を含むopen methodについての報告は比較的少なくなつた。これも手術の歴史的変遷の一面を示しているものであろう。しかし中耳炎の手術例をみると真珠腫の占める割合は多く,bridgeをおとさなければ真珠腫を除去し得ない場合が少なくない。その結果は特に外耳道の再建術を行なわなければ従来の中耳根本手術,あるいは保存的中耳根本手術(聴保根治手術)の形となる。もちろん伝音系に関してはさまざまな工夫がなされている。closed methodを行なつた場合に真珠腫の再発をみることが少なからずあり,比較的広範な真珠腫例ではclosed methodは禁忌であるとする意見もある2)。
The following surgical procedures for the treatment of cholesteatoma as well as chronic otitis media were used :
1. Mastoidectomy is performed through the retroauricular incision. Thorough removal of disease is essential. For this reason, the bridge and the posterior buttress are taken down.
2. The incur and head of the malleus are removed in order to clean the attic. The malleus handle is also removed if necessary.
3. During the above procedures, the posterior canal skin is elevated from the posterior bony wall. The eardrum is continuously detached from the sulcus, thus exposing the middle ear cavity. The procedures do not require plasty of the ear canal which is kept intact.
4. After cholesteatoma is completely removed, the mastoid bowl, the attic and the tympanic cavity are obliterated using the retroauricular subcutaneous tissue, the periosteum, the temporal muscle and its fascia.
5. A free fascia] graft is used to close the defect in the eardrum from the inside. The graft is supported by the pedicled temporal muscle, which covers the stapes. No tympanoplasty nor ossiculoplasty is performed.
6. Drainage is placed in the subcutaneous space for three days. Saline soaked Gelfoam is introduced into the ear canal to face the fascia. The ear canal is packed with gauze.
The postoperative hearing was better than anticipated.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.