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Villaret症候群とはMaurice Villaret1)が1916年,Ⅸ,Ⅹ,ⅩⅠ,ⅩⅡの4つの脳神経と頸部交感神経の麻痺を同時に呈する症例を始めて報告したために命名されたもので,Syndrom der hinterenPharynxlogeまたはposterior rctroparotid space syndromeとも呼ばれる。われわれが調べた従来の文献中にはこの症候群の症例報告はきわめて少なく,外国ではROger et al. 2),わが国では松島ら3),金子4),安部ら5)のほか見当らず,成書中にも本症候群にまつたく触れていないものもある。一方,この症候群に該当する症状の症例報告において,Villaretの名を用いなかつたり,症候群として扱つていないものもみられる。
A woman, aged 28, complined of difficulty of tongue movements and chronic discharge from the left ear. Examination revealed a chronic otitis media with disturbances extending into the inner ear, the presence of Villaret's syndrome, disturbances in the function of the Ⅸ, Ⅹ,ⅩⅠ and ⅩⅡth cranial nerves and Homer's syndrome.
The cause of these disturbances appeared to be a granuloma resulting from an unspecific infection appearing in the pharyngomaxillary space that encroached upon the auditory tube as well as surrounding tissues and nerve structures.
A complete surgical removal of the offending growth not possible; the use of steroid drugs were ineffective. One year later the patient suddenly developed a massive hemorrhage from the internal cervical artery and died.

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