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Histiocytosis XはHand-Schüller-Christian病(HSC病),Letterer-Siwe病(LS病),骨のEosinophilic Granuloma(EG)について総括された名称である16)。これら三疾患は臨床的経過および形態学的研究に基づき根本的には同一疾患であるとの見解に基づいている。私どもは最近言語発達停滞のため難聴を疑われた3歳女児で両側側頭骨Histiocytosis Xを認めた1例を経験したので,文献的考察と併せて報告する。
A case of histiocytosis X occurring bilaterally in the temporal bone of a female child, aged 3, who was suspected of having hearing loss and affected with speech disturbances. Besides the bony lesion of the skull the vertebrate were also found to be affected; the left eye was affected with exophthalmos.
Exploratory mastoidectomy was performed on the patient. Eosinophilic granuloma was revealed from the tissues removed from the mastoid cavity.
However, in this case, the authors state that a more serious diagnosis than more eosinophilic granuloma should be more appropriate because of the age of the patient, the multiple skeletal lesions and exophthalmos.
The patient was treated with predonin and vinblastin sulfate which caused improvement in the BSR and CRP titer but needs further follow-up for a possible manifestation of other systemic affections.
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