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meatotympanoplasty1)(intact canal wall tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy2))に関する諸報告をみると,術後の治療が非常に簡単にすむということが一つの特徴として強調されている。事実,本手術後の創腔は正常の中耳腔と同じく,耳管によつてのみ外界に通ずることになり,術後の創傷治癒の様子は新しくつくられた鼓膜像から洞察することになる。術後の創腔を直接観察することができないということは,術者に対し常に一抹の不安を与えることになる。その不安を解消するために,術中の各種処置が非常に大切となり,そこに格段の工夫と注意が要求されるものと考える。
The intact canal wall procedure offered rapid healing with a dry ear in all patients. In this technique a complete postauricular mastoidectomy with the creation of antrum threshold angle are performed. However, the mucous membrane of the middle ear (promontory) is preserved as much as possible and a solution of antibiotics containing a relatively high dose is instilled topically.
Although the fascial graft employed appears thick and bulky for the period of initial 2 weeks postoperatively, but soon becomes dry and epithelized with unexpected rapidity featureing a normal appearance. In no case was there a breaking down of the graft at a later date.
Functional results obtained six months postoperatively showed a striking improvement with the type Ⅰ technic, but no changes were noted with type Ⅲ and IV meatotympanoplasty.

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