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鼓室成形術において,大きな耳後創腔のため術後にいろいろのトラブルが起こり,医師も患者もこれに悩まされてきた。近年は特別な場合を除いて,ほとんど原則のように,外耳道を保存したり乳突腔を充填して外耳道を再建することが行なわれている。そして広い乳突腔を残す従来の術式はclassical tympanoplasty(以下Cl. ty. と略す)といわれるようになつた。
骨性外耳道後壁を保存して乳突部術創を消失させる方法として,内藤9)によりMeatotympanoplasty(以下Meato. と略す)が提唱され,当科でも昭和38年夏頃よりmodifyして漸次これを行なつてきた。
The authors made note with retrospective review of their 81 cases upon whom meatotympanoplasty was performed during the 4 years from 1964 to 1967. These consisted of various items such as, condition of the patient at the time of his discharge from the hospital, the state of hearing, the possible necessity of reoperation, the length of the required hospitalization and, also, of postoperative followups such as, the sate of postoperative wound, changes in hearing and continued observation of the case.
When meatotmpanoplasty was compared with other methods of operation, it did not necessarily show any greater advantage but, with the use of temporalis fascia the result had been generally quite satisfactory.
The authors made various suggestions for improvement of technique to obtain better results in future.

Copyright © 1969, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.